Sunday, February 28, 2010

The birthday cake fiasco

I was trying to be so prepared and make Sienna's b-day cake a day early! I thought it looked so cute! Jason was on the ball and took a picture first thing!

When I went to the fridge to pull it out this morning it looked like this. It looks like it is bleeding and they boys thought it was awesome! Although I knew it would taste good I wasn't too excited about serving it to people other than our family. Look at it- the skittles look like bullet holes!

After the bleeding episode we refrosted it with whipped cream and the boys decorated it. by this time the cake had a layer of frosting, then whipped cream, then candy, another layer of whipped cream and more candy. I think any child would like it in spite of how it looked!


Auri said...

What an adorable cake!! And your little girl, oh my gosh!!

The McEnaney's said...

The cake looked great! And of course that little girl is to die for!

The MK Crew said...

Look at you go! All of a sudden there were several posts that I haven't seen. Looked like a fun MT trip! And Sienna's cake is very cute-lucky that you got the before pictures! I don't know that I would have thought to frost over it. You wouldn't have ever known from the second picture that it was layer #2! And now you"ll know to wait on the candies for next time, right?! :)