Today the boys had there first soccer games. You know being a Mom just gets more and more fun. They were sooo cute kicking and running. After they got their uniforms Kennin said Mom “We are your favorite colors.”
Bridger is in 2nd grade and soooo excited. He and Kennin are attending a brand new school that was built around a space theme. It is awesome. They have replica's of the planets in the media center and an awesome window with the galaxy pictures on it. Bridger's classroom is in the Sombrero galaxy. I can't believe he is 7. Sniff...he is getting so big.
The boys made Aliens our of cardboard. Then they went over to the neighbors and rang the doorbell disguised as Aliens. I imagine it was a little creepy for everyone involved.
Against my better judgment I consented to take the kids to Lagoon if Jason came with me. We decided to go for our family b-day party. Every summer Jason & I celebrate our Anniversary by ourselves, but we also have a b-day party with our kids because that's the day our family was born. This year Bridger said "Hey Dad our family is older than me!!" We ended up having a blast at Lagoon. My stomach wasn't very strong, but the kids LOVED it. No kiddie rides for our boys they rode the roller coasters and many other adult rides. Sienna's favorite part was waving to Jason as we went past. It was sooo fun!
We had so much fun in Midway with the Andersons. We loved floating the canal, biking, catching crawdads, playing minute to win it games, going to the skate park, and most of all hanging out with family.
We had so much fun in MT at Mom & Dad's. We loved feeding the ducks, making bows, playing badmitton, making bird houses, singing, and most of all seeing family.