Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas

We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!!

Bridger, Grandpa, and Whitney made an awesome Christmas train that won the prize for incorporating the most candy!!

Cahlin, Kennin, and I made a Christmas train! The boys wanted to build the Polar Express. I built it while they quoted the movie with mouths full of candy.

Bridger had to be bribed to be wiseman. I bought some "treasure". When he said he just wanted to hold the treasure without the costume I informed him it was a package deal. He hurried and got into his wise man costume.

This Is Kennin as a wide man. I was so glad that he decided to dress up!

Jones Christmas in Idaho

We had so much fun at our Jones Christmas in Idaho. Here are all the Jones babies that were born this year. Sienna looks like an ethnic baby in the middle of all the white kids!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

All I Want For Christmas...

Kennin has decided what he wants for Christmas... and what he's going to give everyone else. I wasn't too worried, because jet packs only exist in comic books and James Bond movies. But after I came across www.jetpackinternational.com and saw this video, I'm hoping that his Christmas wish for me pans out. :)