Thursday, March 26, 2009

Crazy Hat Day

Bridger got all kinds of attention for the craziest hat! He was excited because at the spirit assembly he was featured in the slide show. Being able to twist balloons has come in handy in all kinds of ways! Who knew it would make Bridger a superstar?


Karly said...

How did you learn to twist balloons? I am sooooooo jealous!

Desmond Doings said...

You are such a cool mom. I'm going to learn from you someday.

The Acor Adventures said...

How fun is that?! I'll have to remember that for Tanner's spirit week.

Brittney said...

SEriously that's AWESOME!! I wish I had a hate like that! I agree with Mel you are a cool mom!

Brittney said...

class of 2004 is me ... sorry.. :)

The MK Crew said...

Sounds like his school does some fun days! And how fun to get to be showcased!