Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is my favorite Holiday! I had this great idea to dress the kids up and take pictures to send out to everyone. The idea was good, but the pictures didn't quite turn out how I wanted. Here is the end result. We will try again next year. Maybe the kids will be ready then for their Valentine's debut!


Karly said...

They are WAY cute pics!! Sienna is a little spitfire! What a cutie! I miss you!

VJBlair said...

I love being able to see your kids. They are so cute!! I am excited to be on contact with people from high school. It has been so long.

Alan and Lynette said...

We LOVE these pictures. I don't know what you were going for, but these totally show their personalities:) Alan thinks they all look wildly mischevious:) Which makes him miss them even more:)

The Acor Adventures said...

Very cute pictures and cute kids!

Brittney said...

What cute kids you have!! I LOVE Sienna's little tu tu!! You are so cute!! There were a couple good shots! AT least you can tell they are having fun!! That's all that counts right?!

The MK Crew said...

These are great pictures - I can't ever seem to get candid pictures of mine - they pose too much. Adorable pictures and adorable kids!